About Hardy reels

When traveling by car, it is best to only have your fly line and leader attached. If you wind the tippet, it will often get caught in the line, causing problems. It is better to attach the tippet just before fishing.

In the past, I only used reels with large arbor disc drags, but before I knew it, I only used classic fly reels.

 Choose a running line effectively

Whether the running line is floating or sinking will change the layer the shooting head is pulled to.

This is also important.

 Taking advantage of fly fishing

The advantage of fly fishing is that you can cast a light fly far by using different sink rate lines.

This allows you to make the fly swim at a certain layer over a fairly wide area. This is the same in rivers and lakes.

Generally, trout will continue to chase bait that is in the layer right in front of them or above them. Use this behavior of trout to determine the sink rate of the line.

If the fly moves out of the layer where trout are preying on bait in a short time, the trout will give up on the prey.

The secret to catching big trout is to keep the fly in the same layer for as long as possible. This is true in both rivers and lakes.

And the smart big trout will continue to follow the fly all the way to the shore. Understand this behavior and catch bigger trout.

 Fishing changes

When you use a bamboo rod, you strangely realize that there is no need to compete over the number of fish you can catch.

All anglers want to catch beautiful, big fish.

The bamboo rod is a mysterious tool.

If you downgrade the performance of your fishing gear, you'll find that your skill can make up for it.

You will no longer need to catch large numbers of fish and you will start to notice a trend towards sustainability.

 Learn to treat your tools with care

Once you get used to using a bamboo pole, you will learn to fish more carefully.

Casting and fishing should not be relied upon force.

It should be done with minimal effort, with an understanding of the underlying principles.

The bamboo will tell you.

 This explanation is aimed at those who are switching from a graphite rod to a bamboo rod for the first time.

This is a change due to the rod material.

At first, you will feel uncomfortable with the heavy, delicate, and slow-rebounding bamboo rod because you are used to the stiff, light, and fast-rebounding graphite rod. This is a normal feeling.

Go back to basics, throw carefully, and feel how fast the bamboo bounces back.

You'll probably get the hang of it in about 5 minutes.

The casting stroke and method of throwing are the same as with a graphite rod.

However, the tempo changes whether you're casting overhead, in a spey or skagit style.

It's one tempo slower.

And surprisingly, the loops shot from the shootinghead with a bamboo rod will be more powerful.

In some cases, you'll be able to produce more powerful loops than with a graphite rod.

This means you can cast with a relaxed motion and still get a powerful loop on the final cast.

This is the main reason why I love fishing with the bamboo rod shooting head system.

This is because the weight of the bamboo rod itself adds energy to the loop.

There is a downside to this.

It's more tiring than a full day of fishing with a graphite rod.

But that's a good thing.

Humans tend to degenerate when they try to take the easy way out.

The same goes for muscle strength.

I learned everything from the bamboo without it saying a word.